

Nov 06, 2023

Beaufort to receive $6.2M funding for wastewater pump station replacements

BEAUFORT - The town of Beaufort is set to receive a significant boost in its efforts to improve its wastewater infrastructure.

The town will embark on a project to replace several aging wastewater pump stations thanks to a $6.2 million Clean Water State Revolving Fund, low-interest loan from the N.C. State Water Infrastructure Authority, according Department of Environmental Quality.

Construction must start within 24 months after the town receives a Letter of Intent to Fund.

The project aims to address the deteriorating conditions of pump station one, two, three, five and seven, which have been in operation since the late 1960s and early 1970s, according to Cathy Akroyd of the N.C. Department of Environmental Quality.

These existing wet pit/dry pit centrifugal wastewater pumping stations have long surpassed their recommended service life and now demand extensive maintenance.

Akroyd explained the shift to submersible pump stations comes as a logical response to the current stations' age-related deterioration and their history of flooding issues.

Recognizing the urgency of the situation, town officials plan to upgrade the aging pump stations with more modern and efficient solutions.

The proposed replacement involves the installation of new submersible pump stations at each location, complete with all necessary appurtenances, pumps, piping, electrical systems, controls and backup power generation.

Additionally, the new design addresses concerns related to confined space access, making maintenance and operation safer and more streamlined.

Beaufort Mayor Sharon Harker noted the town had not yet received an official Letter of Intent to Fund as of Friday, July 28, but expressed an eagerness to learn more about it in the near future.

"It is exciting news for Beaufort to potentially be awarded $6,186,000 for wastewater pump station replacements," said Harker. "This will greatly assist the town in improving its infrastructure which will allow us to continue to protect public health and our environment."

With the funding secured, the town can now proceed with the project's design, permitting and replacement phases.

To view a listing of all the Spring 2023 Applications Selected for Funding by the State Water Infrastructure Authority, go to

Is it a grant “gift” or a loan . Perhaps granting a loan . What is in a word anyway ?

Would be safe to say the town spends on stuff other than needed infrastructure as do so many others . Attaboy , that’s the way to run things .

It is a loan. The URL posted is incorrect. The correct URL is:

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